We have a limited number of funded-only places available for our baby room. Please get in touch to find out more.

Inclusion & SEN
We welcome all children and families, and strive to provide a loving and caring environment to allow each child to reach their full potential.
Every key person is supported to identify and flag areas that may need support early on, and by fostering a close relationship with parents we can make a plan and put that support into place quickly.
We tailor the activity and support every child within the setting to thrive. Activities are individually adapted - the EYFS is completely child-centred and tailored to meet the child’s strengths and weaknesses, and all children are able to access the resources.
We value the early life of your little one and understand that every family has values and outcomes that are important to them. We welcome parental input wherever possible.
We recognise all behaviour as communication, and understand that children who are pre-verbal have different ways of communicating their needs. We do not use time out; we make sure every child feels included and welcome, and we have a focus on wellbeing.
Behaviour trackers are used to try to find links or triggers for certain behaviours, and the environment or activity is adapted.
We welcome parents to ask questions, if they have any, with the SENCo, and we work closely with outside agencies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, The Grove (child development centre), social services and children’s centres.
We celebrate a range of festivals and embrace all cultures within the nursery and pre-school, and we welcome families to bring music, clothing or food (check the ingredients with the staff/ chef!) to help us celebrate.
We work with parents and are always happy to share ideas for things to do at
home - just ask!