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Early Years Curriculum
We believe strongly that the children that we care for should be inspired and take the lead in their learning, thus encouraging them to be confident, competent and happy. Through a wide range of equipment and resources, we implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which provides a curriculum covering all areas of learning. We can often be found having fun in the park, at the library or simply experiencing ‘real life’ learning, out and about in our local community
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The ‘curriculum’ for under 5s is a statutory framework which splits children’s development into seven areas: three prime areas and four specific areas.
The three prime areas are:
personal, social and emotional development
communication and language development
physical development
The four specific areas are:
expressive arts and design
understanding the world
The prime areas are the primary focus of learning and the foundations to build upon using the specific areas to ensure every child has a balanced, varied and interesting, individually-tailored, play-based learning experience with us.
It is proven that children under 5 learn best through play and that is very much our ethos. While activities are planned, and adult-led initially, much of what the children learn is led by them and their interests.
Each child has a ‘next step’ each month which is weaved into the main activities, and observations are carried out to gauge the success. Activities are often play-based around the child’s interests as this is where you are most likely to get their full attention.
The 'next step' is assessed throughout the end of the month and a new one is then set.
Activities are individually adapted and children with additional needs are able to access the resources.
All the information is logged using the 'Tapestry' online journal system which can be accessed by parents and family members. Parents can also input any 'wow' moments that happen at home to help build a stronger connection between nursery and home. Tapestry login details will be provided once your child starts at nursery.
Using the reports and journal information, every child’s learning is tracked by the SENCo and any areas of concern are raised with parents.
In the pre-school, the learning is still very much play-based with an increase in the focused attention type of games and building independence to eventually prepare for school.